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Liebster Love...Finally!

Hello my friends! Happy Friday, thank goodness!! This week just seemed to move at a snail's pace, it was torture. I am so ready for the weekend!

For once, we don't have too much planned. A birthday party for a friend and that's about it! We'd like to do something fun like take a day trip to the coast or go for a hike. I'm sure we'll figure something out, as usual! 

Months ago, I was nominated for a few Liebster awards from a three of my wonderful blogging friends! Erica and Heather nominated me during the craze of the May blogging challenge so I never found the time to sit down and write this post. Then when I got another nomination from The Lane a few weeks back, I decided it was time to get my butt in gear and play along.

The three lovely ladies who nominated me have wonderful blogs! They're all different and I love them for different reasons, you should definitely check them out!  

Erica @ Nannypology

So I'm sure by now, most of you are familiar with the Leibster Award and how it works. but just in case, here is a little run down to get you up to speed:

The Liebster Award is typically given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. I like the idea behind this award because it helps to create that sense of community I love so much. It is a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs.

Here's how it works:
1. List 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you by the lovely person/people who “nominated” you.
3. Ask 11 new questions to the bloggers you nominate.
4. Choose 11 bloggers (with 200 or less followers) to nominate.
5. Visit each bloggers page and tell them about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.

 11 Facts About Me:
1.                   I've never broken a bone
2.                  But I've had ACL reconstruction surgery
3.                  I never had a dog growing up, Louis is my first pup and I LOVE having a dog!
4.                  My favorite food is cheese. Can't live without it. Sometimes, I eat it with each meal. Andrew has actually threatened to take my cheese privileges away to convince me to do something.
5.                  My first crush was Don Henley from the Eagles. I took the cover out of my cassette tape and hung it in my room, memorized all of the lyrics to Hell Freezes Over and recorded a live concert on VHS that I would watch over and over.
6.                  I am a sucker for celebrity gossip, I can't get enough of US Weekly!
7.                  My middle name is Whitney, after Mt. Whitney. And my sister's middle name is     Sierra, after the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
8.                 The majority of my favorite movies are all Christmas movies. White Christmas is   my  absolute favorite, and I love The Holiday, Love Actually, Elf, Home Alone...all the classics!
9.                  I am extremely indecisive. It really bothers me that I am, so I've been trying to work on that. Andrew is also indecisive...sometimes it takes us an hour to decide where to go for dinner. Fun times.
10.              I hate being in charge of music when I'm in the car with a group of people. It's too much pressure and I'm a people pleaser so I can't make a decision.
11.               I'm extremely nostalgic and sentimental about everything. I have a soft spot for tradition and family heirlooms.  I love when things have a history and story behind them. 

Since I was nominated by a few different people, I decided instead of answering all 33 questions, I would randomly select 11 questions from all three who nominated me. Here it goes...

Questions from Erica @ Nannypology:
  1. If you could get paid to do anything in the world (and make a very comfortable living), what would you choose to do? I would love to travel the world as a host, like a non-wild version of Wild On! (remember that show)? Or just travel and get paid to blog about it. What would you rather die from: being eaten slowly by a 50 foot anaconda? or, getting your head ripped off my a great white shark? Explain. Easily the shark option. For two reasons, 1) If I'm going to die by way of shark attack, I'd like to imagine I'll be on a sailing adventure in the Caribbean scuba diving or swimming with turtles. At least I'll have be having fun up until the end. And 2) I'm guessing it happens so fast pain would be an issue.
  2. Who would you cast as your lover in the made for TV movie of your life? Hmmm how to pick?! Channing Tatum, Val Kilmer circa Top Gun and Tombstone, Ben Affleck, or John Krasinski. That is a surprisingly hard question!

From Heather @ Fiery & Opinionated:
  1. If you were a wine, which would you be? I think I would be a 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon. I love just sitting outside, relaxing and enjoying a glass with family or friends over good conversation. I also think a good red wine is classic and timeless, which I like to think I am, too :)
  2. Which social media site are you most addicted to? I am obsessed with Pinterest. Instagram is a close second. But I could spend hours on Pinterest looking at recipes, fashion and interior design inspiration. I can't get enough! There is always something new to inspire me.
  3. I have a private jet and you can use it to go anywhere you want, where are you going? That's easy. We're going to Italia my friend. I've been there twice and cannot.get.enough. I'm obsessed. I know there are so many other places to see and explore, but I feel at home in Italy. Someday, I'll have a little villa in Tuscany. It's my happy place.
  4. If I tell you a poop story, are you a. cracking up, b. disinterested but humoring me, or c. grossed out? I am laughing my ass off. But seriously, I am five and will think it's hilarious. But you won't catch me telling YOU a poop story about remember how I feel about peeing with the door open, right Heather? hahaha

And a few questions from The Lane:
  1. How did you come up with the name of your blog? It took quite a while to finally decide on a blog name. For years, I knew that at some point I wanted to start a blog and I would jot down ideas for the name in a notebook when I thought of them. Then early this year when I decided to finally start my blog, I read that list of ideas. I knew when I read From Foothills to Fog it was the perfect fit. I thought of it last year when I decided to move to San Francisco, and I thought it was the perfect title for my blog since I would be writing about my life and my experiences after moving from the foothills to the fog.
  2. Are you an early riser or a night owl? Is there a reason for either? I wish more than anything I was a morning person. I try. I set my alarm to go to the gym before work, which usually ends in an hour-long battle with the snooze button. I envy people who wake up rested, happy, and ready to face the day. I like to hide in bed as long as I can. So, as much as I wish it weren't the case, I'm a night owl.
  3. What is your favorite quote? My favorite quote is by Carl Bard. "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." I think it is the perfect reminder that it's never too late to follow your dreams.
  4. Do you have a favorite season and reason you like that season? My favorite season is definitely Fall. It could be because I'm an October baby! But I love everything about it. The crisp, cool air. Pumpkins. Apples. Scarves. Halloween. Thanksgiving. The way the colors change. Everything about it makes me happy. And bonus, in San Francisco the weather is absolutely stunning in the fall.  
Whoa! This may end up being the longest post I've ever written. You probably know more about me than you ever wanted at this point, and we're not even finished yet!

Now it's time to "nominate" a few lovely bloggers myself. I am going to break the rules on this one a bit. Instead of trying to find other bloggers that have less than 200 followers and nominate them, I'd rather take a minute to highlight eleven blogs that I truly adore and read daily. The eleven blogs I decided to share with you today are some that I have discovered through blogging myself, I've gotten to know them over the past few months and have even been able to meet many of them in person!

If you don't want to participate and answer questions, I won't hold it against you, it takes quite a bit of time. Plus, I know the majority of you have been nominated in the past and have over 200 followers. But I wanted to mention you all because I love reading your blogs, and have truly enjoyed getting to know you! Hopefully if nothing else, everyone will discover some amazing, new-to-you blogs.

                                                            Erika @ Chimerikal
Amanda @ The Lady Okie
Chantal @ B in the Bay
Serena @ Spillerena
Megan @ The Sun House

Here are my 11 Questions for you:
1.       Have you ever met/encountered a celebrity?
2.      If you were stranded on a deserted Island, what 3 things would you want to have with you?
3.      What is your strangest habit?
4.      If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
5.      If you could own a vacation home, where would it be?
6.      What is your most vivid childhood memory?
7.      What is your worst fear?
8.     What is your favorite blog post that you've written, and why?
9.      Why did you start writing a blog? Did you read a lot of blogs before you started writing yours? If so, what was the first blog you started reading?
10.  What is the best part of your day?
11.   When you were little, what was your answer when people would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up?

Is anyone still reading this?? Longest post to date! I think we deserve a drink, good thing it's Friday!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Do yourself a favor, if you don't already know the lovely ladies I mentioned above, go check them out! It will make for some excellent reading with your morning coffee over the weekend.




  1. thanks for the love lady! missed you this weekend! cant wait for brunch!

  2. Hey thanks, friend! I've never broken a bone either! Let's cross our fingers that streak continues.

  3. GIRL, I loved this!! So fun learning more things about you.

    Channing Tatum and John Krasinski?? YES. And when we meet in the future and have our first "blate", we'll eat cheese and drink wine. That sounds heavenly!

  4. Hey Theresa!

    Thank you so much for nominating me! This is aweeeesome! THANK YOU!!!!!

    I have already been nominated before, but I am including my answers/responses to this in this comment. YAY!

    I loooooooove cheese too! YUMMY YUM! (I was a vegan for a brief period of time but that's right before I went to live in France and I thought: there is NO WAY I'm not eating those delicious cheeses!)

    I also am a big celeb gossip fan, too! It's totally my guilty pleasure… and I care WAY too much!

    That's a really fun story behind your and your sister's middle names! How cool!

    In reading your answers to the questions -- ahhhhhh Italy! I wanna go so bad (and to some place besides Milan, though I'm glad I got to experience at least that!). I'm a night owl, too, and I do love Fall!

    1.       Have you ever met/encountered a celebrity?
    Yes, I have. My favorite encounter was Kathy Griffin at the Waffle House in Florida! She was really nice! :)

    2.      If you were stranded on a deserted Island, what 3 things would you want to have with you?
    Unlimited supply of food, the Harry Potter book series, a solar-chargeable iPhone hahaha

    3.      What is your strangest habit?
    Good question -- I have no idea… My boyfriend says I squish my face up like a chipmunk a lot when I am thinking or doing other things??

    4.      If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
    I almost said Britney Spears, but I'd like to be like, Mariah Carey or something so I could sing and it would be AWESOME and just experience pop star life… I just would sing all day long and be like, "Do you HEAR me? I'M AMAZING!!!"

    5.      If you could own a vacation home, where would it be?
    Ohhhhh man! This is a tough one. A big part of me is saying Lake Bled, Slovenia because I just loved it. But I also think it would be awesome to have one in Vienna, Austria because that just feels like a second-home to me anyway and I'd always have a place to stay.

    6.      What is your most vivid childhood memory?
    Going on Space Mountain as a kid and being super terrified! I felt like I was really lost in space!

    7.      What is your worst fear?
    Hahaha… oh dear… umm, I have a vivid imagination so I could go crazy with this one. But a sort of "regular" fear is I sometimes freak out around bugs.

    8.     What is your favorite blog post that you've written, and why?
    Oooh. I would have to say "Lake Zurich" is my favorite. I just thought it was beautiful and just… explained where I was and where I had been. :)

    9.      Why did you start writing a blog? Did you read a lot of blogs before you started writing yours? If so, what was the first blog you started reading?
    I started this blog because I wanted to document my travels abroad… and I was a fan of blogs before I started, but I'd have to say that my really huge love of blogging has come more in the past several months or so. I'd say that the blog that really inspired me to want to live abroad the most was Oneika the Traveler.

    10.  What is the best part of your day?
    Hmm, I'm not sure! It sort of blends and changes each day… I guess all of it? The middle -- any part where I'm not sleepy ;)

    11.   When you were little, what was your answer when people would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up?
    These were my top answers: an actress, an astronaut, a singer, a writer, and a lawyer (that one stuck for a while. I really liked arguing with people when I was younger).



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