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A Low-Key Weekend

I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine was very low-key and relaxing. We haven't had a weekend at home with nothing on the calendar in months, it was so nice just to relax and get stuff done around the house.

We started off our weekend with a date night Friday. We went to dinner and then to see Captain Phillips. It's such a great movie, I really liked it. Tom Hanks is one of my all time favorite actors, and as expected, he was wonderful in this film.

Saturday I spent the majority of my day doing a deep clean of our house. I lost motivation in the afternoon so Andrew and I decided to start a DIY project that has been on our list since he moved here! We already had everything we needed, so it was easy to get started since we finally had the time. Saturday night we made this tasty dinner (with brussels sprouts instead of green beans) and watched a movie. I felt like I should go out and socialize with friends, but I was just so comfy in my sweats on the couch!

I'm glad I stayed in, because Sunday I woke up with a sore throat. Andrew started feeling sick towards the end of last week, and now it looks like it's my turn. Even though I wasn't feeling great, we managed to get a lot done on Sunday as well. We made a lot of progress on our DIY project, which I can't wait to share with you once we're finished! Our other big project for the day was getting ready for Friendsgiving which we are hosting next Sunday. We bought the turkey and made lists of everything we'll need for the party. We don't have friends over too often (which I'd like to change) so we're really excited! It's going to be so fun!

I woke up feeling even worse this morning, so I'm hoping with some rest and lots of vitamins, I'll start feeling better asap! It's not a good week to be sick, too much to do!

I hope you all had a great weekend! Hopefully it was a bit more exciting than mine :)


  1. Feel better! I really want to start a friendsgiving tradition!

  2. weekends in are good sometimes!
    i wish i was motivated to deep clean my apartment.... ugh i just hate hate hate dusting.
    feel better!!

  3. So glad that you liked Captain Phillips. It's probably one of my favorites that Tom Hanks has ever played. The ending?? OH MY GOSH!
    I hope you're better by this weekend, so you can enjoy your Friendsgiving. I've always wanted to start that tradition.


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