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November Goals

picture courtesy of my Dad

I was a little ashamed to write this post, but I said I would check back in with you, so I'm staying true to my word. Remember last month when I listed out some goals I had for the month of October? Well I am embarrassed to say that I only accomplished one of them. I'm pretty disappointed in myself. I could sit here and make up excuses and tell you that we had a busy month, etc. etc. But the truth is, excuses are what got me here in the first place. I'm good at making them when I want to.

So, instead of making new goals for this coming month. I want to revisit my October goals, and really make an effort to achieve them. Especially making fitness (and diet) a priority. I'm the only one who suffers when I don't accomplish the goals I set for myself. I know if I do this for myself, I will be much happier and more confident.

I'm making a promise to myself, and to you that I am going to work my hardest to accomplish everything on this list during the month of November. I know that I'll feel so much better looking back and seeing these items checked off at the end of the month!

  1. Make fitness a priority
  2. Read more
  3. Drink more water
  4. Go to bed earlier
  5. Manage my time more efficiently
  6. Pay it forward
  7. Finally sell a few items on Ebay
  8. Fun new collaboration with my friend Kasey! We have another post for you coming up in a few weeks!
  9. Keep the house tidy
  10. Take Louis on more frequent, and longer walks
  11. Complete a DIY/Craft Project from my ever growing list.

I'm already off to a good start with #1. This is where I've made the most excuses lately, and I'm suffering the consequences. I've enlisted the help of my wonderful friend Kristin, who helped create a meal plan for me, as well as exercise goals. She's a bad ass and I know she'll keep me on my toes and hold me accountable. Just what I needed. She is coming over tonight to meet with me so that we can make sure the plan is realistic for my lifestyle. I am OK with the process taking some time, so long as I can still enjoy a glass of wine, eat cheese, and continue to enjoy cooking dinner with Andrew every night. I know there are small changes I can make that will make a big difference over time. Mostly, I just want to be healthy and confident. And I'm excited to get started! The first few days are going great. I've also been drinking a lot more water than I usually do. I'm trying to get at least 64oz in while I'm at work. In addition to what I drink at the gym and at home. 

As for the other items on the list, I've come up with a plan to make sure these things are doable, and to help hold myself accountable! So, come December 1st I'll have a positive update for you!! 

I figure, there is no better time to make these changes for myself than going into my 28th year. I have a feeling it's going to be the best year yet, and I want to make sure I start it off on the right foot! 

I hope you all are having a great day!! Thanks for letting me ramble on about my goals today!


  1. Good luck, girl! I've had those weeks and months too. I know you can do it, though!

  2. I so need to go to bed earlier and drink more water...not confident it'll happen though :)

  3. that picture is amazing! i love fall! don't be too hard on yourself, just be different now. you can totally do this!! cant wait to hear how it's going!

  4. You got this! Having a list of goals is a goal itself!

  5. if you take Louis on longer walks and more often that kills the whole fitness a priority bird too, just sayin' #onestone

  6. good for you! have you heard of Tone It Up... i've been following their blog for a few months and do a lot of their workouts and just bought the nutrition plan. In general i eat pretty healthy (obvi cheese and wine is a necessity) but it has a lot of really good tips and recipes etc. coming back from spain, eating american food and not walking 5 miles a day was starting to take its toll so i've been really trying to work out a lot and eat really well... except for weekend in sf. because seriously how is anyone supposed to eat healthy at home with all the amazingly delicious restaurants....

  7. I like your goals, they are similar to mines. Fitness is priority!!!


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