The past year has been one to remember, that's for sure! Even with a global pandemic and everything else that 2020 has brought, we were able to make some wonderful memories as a family. Thankfully both vacations we had planned for 2020 fell in January and early February, so we were able to squeeze in some fun with family and friends before the world changed. You can get a full recap of our time during quarantine here, but I wanted to document a little about Graham at this age!
You're such a happy little guy and really bring us so much joy! I love hearing you sing and play from my office while you're downstairs with Holly. The morning is such a fun time. Daddy usually wakes up with you and you go down stairs and get started on breakfast. You're always so happy in the morning and ready to start your day! You love Daddy and he's definitely the most fun to play with. You play hide and seek, have tickle fights, and chase each other around the house! Mommy is the one you love to cuddle with and come to when you're sad or have a boo boo. We read stories and play and listen to songs or color. I think our nighttime routine is my favorite. Mommy & Daddy rotate who does bath night and then we all come to your room to read stories together as a family. Depending on the book you choose, you'll decide who reads and we sit together on your chair. They are my most favorite moments!

Even though we couldn't have a big party to celebrate like last year, we made the most of your special day. Grandma and Auntie Nina were here to visit for the weekend and we celebrated a little bit each day. We made a cake, picked blackberries, went to the park, played with our new toys and you loved having visitors at our house.
Of course you were spoiled with gifts. Auntie got you the coolest floor piano like in the movie BIG and you love it! We all had fun playing with it. Grandma got you an easel and all the art supplies you could need! You love to draw and use it almost every day. You also got some books, trucks, cool socks and a matching game! Mommy and Daddy got you a cool scooter which we haven't got to practice with much with the heat and smoke, but I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of it. You do love the little construction Duplo Lego set we got you. Mimi and Papa got you a red wagon like the one that you play with at their house. And Auntie Christine sent you a really cool camping set. She actually gave it to you really early and it's been a huge hit throughout quarantine! Auntie Joy, Ivy & Reed got you a cool camper van fort and Jeremy built you an AMAZING picnic table just your size! So thoughtful and something we'll love and use for years!

On your actual birthday we went to Sugar Pine Reservoir with Grandma. It was a bit of a drive but once we got there we had a great time relaxing and swimming. It wasn't too crowded on a Monday so we found a great spot. It was so relaxing and nice to be up in the fresh air and out of the heat.
We love you so much Graham!
Love the Coco shout out!