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A Quote

Today's prompt for Blog Every Day in October was to share a quote. The first one that came to mind has been a favorite for many years. 

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard

I've always loved this quote and it's something I remind myself often, especially now. Sometimes it's easy to feel like I'm too old, or it's too late to change careers, etc. But it's never to late to pursue our happiness and living our dreams. If we start right now, and do something little each day, it can lead to a big impact in our lives. 

I feel like I'm really living this since I was laid off. I'm trying to spend the time each day, little by little, and do things that will lead to larger changes down the line. If nothing changes, nothing changes. But we can start now, and create an entirely new ending to our journey. It's never too late! 

Do you have a favorite quote? I'd love if you shared in the comments. 

See you tomorrow for Day 7! 


Moment of Our Day

The prompt for today was "Share A Moment of Your Day" which I intended to be fun fall outing of sorts. Our plan was to go get some pumpkins, marigolds and mums for the front porch, but we didn't make it.  We did have a nice day, but in an effort to keep it real, it was a rough day with the kids. 

Jack & Charlie are starting to skip naps at school, and with school and sports and late nights for Graham, by Friday the boys are kind of a mess. We've implemented pizza and a movie as our Friday tradition, but even with a good nights sleep they woke up this morning with fists and fighting words. We decided it was best not to attempt a rushed outing since we had somewhere to be at 11am. 

We actually considered cancelling our play date, but also thought it might be the perfect change of pace for the three of them. And it was! We went over to our friends house for the kids to play and swim because even though it's October, it was still 100*. We had a great time. The kids all play so well together and the parents have become friends, too. Skipping nap might not have been the best idea, but when we got home Jack still decided to take a quick nap, Graham listened to some stories, and Charlie played independently. We ordered dinner and they boys watched the rest of the movie from last night, before heading to bed early. 

I did manage to take a few cute pictures at our friends today! I'm so glad we got out of the house and managed enjoy the day even if it got off to a rocky start! Our plan tomorrow is to get outside right away, because somehow that always seems to start us off on the right foot. 

See you tomorrow for Day 6!


Recent Reads

I planned for the prompt to be about my recent reads and favorite books today, because October 4th is one of my best friends birthdays and she loves reading! So, today's post is in honor of her! Happy Birthday, Bea!

I've always been a reader, but there have definitely been periods when I read more than others. For this past year, I have been reading a ton. I usually read fiction on my kindle before bed, and have at least one non-fiction audiobook going at a time. If I have a long drive ahead, or actually now that I am not working and can listen when doing other projects, I'll probably incorporate more fiction audiobooks as well. 

I need to start updating Goodreads so I can keep track of everything I read. Another project while I'm off, go back and update everything I've read this year. Since I use my Kindle or Audible, it's at least easy to go back and track. 

My girlfriends and I also started a Book Club this past June called, Friends Reading Between the Wines. It has been so fun. I look forward to our meetings, it's become a highlight of the month! We have been trying to meet at a winery or local wine bar each month which is fun. One of my favorite things we do is cast who would play the characters in a movie! We usually each cast one or two characters, and it's so fun to see who people choose! We read a variety of genres, and this month decided it should be a fall theme for October. We might start incorporating themes based on the time of year for a fun twist. To select our next book, we all nominate two titles we want to read. We write them down then put them in a hat and ask the waiter to draw and determine our next read. It's a fun way to select the next book! In October we're reading, All The Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker. A thriller/mystery that will be perfect for spooky season! 

So without further ado, here are a few of my favorite books I've read recently.

The Women, Kristin Hannah - this book is one of my favorite books I've ever read. If you haven't read it, do so immediately! I absolutely loved this story of a nurse during the Vietnam war. Her time during the war as well as after she returned. It moved me. I listened to this on audiobook because I had a long drive, and if you enjoy audiobook I highly recommend listening to this one. 

Sandwich, Catherine Newman - As I mentioned in my Instagram post, I really loved this book. It made me laugh out loud, but also really think about my life as a woman and a mother. All the phases of life and how there is so much beauty in the ordinary. This was a short, easy read. I loved the characters as mother-daughter dynamic especially. Another one I highly recommend! 

The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin - I listened to an Oprah podcast one day that Gretchen Rubin was a guest on. I immediately downloaded her book. It felt like I was supposed to read it, so many little things she said felt like exact timing of when I should be reading. So much so, that I'm already listening to it again. I want to do a few posts on this and perhaps a little happiness project of my own. 

The Paradise Problem, Christina Lauren - This was the second Christina Lauren book I read, and I loved it. I think it may be a favorite. It's your typical beach read, a fun little escape. I loved the characters and although it was perhaps a little predictable, I devoured it. I loved the female lead and the family dynamics were entertaining. Christina Lauren never disappoints for a fun, easy beach read/romance! 

Funny Story, Emily Henry - when a new Emily Henry book comes out I get so excited. I just love her books so much. This one might be one of my favorites, there are three of hers that tie for my favorite! I loved the setting of this book. I could picture it so vividly and it made me want to take a summer vacation to a quaint midwestern lake town. The characters and dialogue were as lovely as you'd expect from Emily Henry, she truly does no wrong. 

See you back here tomorrow for Day 5! 


Fall at Home

I've always loved decorating for fall. Pumpkins, mums, warm fall tones around the house. But since having the boys, I've gotten more and more into Halloween. Then, after Halloween, I simplify with all of my favorite cozy fall pieces to last through Thanksgiving. 

This year I did a new vignette on the black entry table I refinished. I had seen this on Pinterest and was inspired for a spooky little moment. I love how it turned out! It was actually so easy, I went to the backyard to collect sticks from the oak trees, but realized there were these perfect dried vines that had the little curly pieces where the vine wrapped itself on things. I used flower arranging foam to arrange them in the vase, then stuck the bats to them with the little sticker adhesive that came with them. So easy, and a fun little project for me.  

I was also inspired by Alaina with these mesh black fabric drapes for a little spooky flair, so I added some to the mirrors around the house. It added a fun touch. Last year, I finally was able to purchase the coveted ghosts from Mollie Jenkins Pottery, and I am obsessed. I also got these little candle holders last year, and finally remembered to get black candles and candle snuggers while I was out this week. Such a simple and genius solution to making candles fit in the holder! I saw this pin the other day for a ghost garland, so I'm planning to make that as well. But for now, I'm loving our spooky mantle. 

I love to add festive touches around the house. Each of the boys have the Halloween theme books and felt garland on their bookshelves in their room. And the bathrooms get a few bats and some garland as well. We have cute little door hangers we've collected from Andrew's Mom over the years, as well as countless pumpkins. The boys have yet to add their Halloween window clings to the front window, but that is on the list this week too. We're almost done adding all our spooky touches, and the boys are loving it as much as Mom!

Decorating the front porch might be my favorite of all! I haven't finished our porch yet this year, (we're going to get pumpkins this weekend)! But here is a look at our set up last year! The skeletons are so fun, I love the skull we added to the fountain last year with the light at night. Thinking we may need to get 1-2 more friends for this year but it's getting a bit late at this point. 

After Halloween, I'll adjust a few things to make it last through Thanksgiving and the fall season before it's time to deck the halls for Christmas. 

See you tomorrow for Day 4!


Favorite Fall Traditions

My favorite season! Mid-September the anticipation begins for the coming months, the changing colors, the crisp air, and of course all the activities we love to do together this time of year. I would say my love of fall is rooted in nostalgia. Something about back to school is like a new start, similar to the new year. I remember trips to the pumpkin patch and painting pumpkins at my birthday party, the fall festival at our elementary school, jumping into a pile of oak leaves my Dad had raked near the tire swing, and the changing colors in the canyon off our back deck. All the fall things make me feel warm and cozy. 

I'm so glad that my kids love fall as much as I do, especially Graham. He just loves holidays the way I do, and all the fun traditions we've started that come along with them. We're big fans of Halloween at our house. Costco got us early this year, and they've been wearing their costumes around the house since late August. Our neighborhood goes all out, and we lean into the fun with "spooky hunt" neighborhood walks, noticing which houses have put out their decor, finding our favorites from last year, and seeing what new decorations have been purchased. Graham has been asking for weeks to get "Fall Y'all" out, so we've slowly been decorating the house and front porch. I'm excited to surprise them with the new Halloween shirts and little pumpkin decorations I got them for their rooms. 

We're really looking forward to doing all of our favorite fall activities this year. Since I'm not working, I also want to add in some fun after school fall theme activities. Like easy crafts, or a fall baking project. And maybe even a quick trip to buy pumpkins from a local pumpkin patch to add to the front porch. Mostly, just being thoughtful about the time we spend together and trying to find ways to make the ordinary feel special. I have a few little crafts up my sleeve I've saved from one of my favorites, Friends Art Lab. If you're a mom (or grandparent/care taker) she is a great one to follow! So many fun ideas for the littles. 

Here are a few more of our favorite traditions we're looking forward to this season!

Apple Hill - We're so lucky to live so close to this magical fall attraction. There are so many fun places for kids and parents alike. We've gone without a plan most years, and ended up at the same places. So this year I want to plan ahead and find a few new spots. Last year, one of my best friends and I took 'the bigs' her two kids and Graham, up one afternoon after school. It was so fun, and felt special for Graham to do that without his brothers stealing the show. We had donuts, they played on the old tractors, ran through the apple trees, and then colored and played so well while the moms enjoyed the view and a glass of wine at one of the wineries. 

Larson Family Winery - We've been members of this winery in Sonoma since we lived in San Francisco. We joined because it was affordable and dog friendly, and we stayed because it's kid friendly and they have fun events. In the past we've gone to their Harvest Party or pumpkin patch celebration. It's fun when they have live music, hay rides, and the pumpkin patch for the kids. This year we had a conflict, and it's a bit of a drive to go to every event they have, so we're hoping to find something similar nearby for fall this year. 

Pumpkin Carving Party - This year will be our 4th annual pumpkin carving party with friends. When the kids were really young, mostly the Dad's would do the carving. And our friend Corrie is so creative and always makes a masterpiece. My favorite will always be Olaf. It's become one of my favorite nights. Our friends come over for dinner and spooky treats, the kids and Dad's carve pumpkins, paint pumpkins, and play while the parents enjoy the chaos and broken conversations and a glass of wine. I love it!

Halloween Parade - When we moved to this neighborhood we discovered they hosted an annual Halloween Parade for the kids. It's one of my favorite days of the year! They have a food truck, the fire department comes, a costume contest, and families from all the surrounding neighborhoods join in the fun. There is a short half mile loop that is lined with tables of candy for the kids to trick or treat. We've started a tradition of having our friends join us for the fun. Everyone arrives here a bit early to walk over the the starting area, then after the parade we come back for dinner and a Halloween treat. It's just such a fun, old school kind of afternoon/evening that I hope my kids always look back on fondly. It feels like a nostalgic 90's childhood event. 

Pumpkin Patch - There are so many great pumpkin patches in our area, we tend to hop around a visit several of them throughout the season. Some when we visit Apple Hill, and then a few local ones over the weekends. This year, I'm really looking forward to Jack & Charlie's first field trip to Bishop's Pumpkin Patch, which is the most popular and largest in our area. They have a petting zoo and all kinds of fun for the kids. 

What is your favorite Fall tradition? Is there anything I should add to our list? 

See you back here tomorrow for Day 3!

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