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10 Things That Make Me Happy

Today's prompt for the Blog Every Day in October Challenge is 10 Things That Make You Happy. There are so many little things that bring me joy, or make me smile. It was fun to sit down and think of a few things that bring me so much happiness. Here are my 10 Things:

My Kids

This one is pretty obvious, but the overall source of much of my happiness are my boys! While we're in an exhausting stage, there are so many sweet moments. I just love watching their little personalities unfold. I love doing special projects with them, and we're having so much fun lately with all things Halloween. I'm trying to really soak up this stage and remember cute things they say or do, I know this time is so fleeting. 


Another obvious one. Beyond our little family unit, we're also lucky to be close with both my family and Andrew's family. We live close to my parents and sister, so it's nice we are able to spend a lot of time together. We've been trying to prioritize more family dinners and impromptu gatherings, and it's really brought me so much happiness this past year. And we're looking forward to 3 visits from Andrew's Mom in the next few months, as well as his sister! 


Something we haven't done as much as we used to, but brigs me so much happiness is traveling. I love seeing new places, as well as visiting old favorites. I love to fantasize about big family trips when the boys are just a bit older, and a long flight to Europe doesn't seem so daunting. But until then, I love our annual trip with friends, summer camping in Donner and Tuolumne Meadows, as well as visits to San Diego to see Gamma and Auntie Nina. I'm also scheming to go to both Disneyland and Maui in the future as well. 

Coffee Shop + Treat

A simple source of happiness, going to a favorite coffee shop and enjoying a hot beverage and treat, even better with a friend or family member joining me. I don't know what it is, but it just makes me feel so cozy and happy sitting in a coffee shop enjoying my drink and a little bite. I love watching people around me working or catching up with friends. It feels a little like a movie, I'm picturing You've Got Mail. That's how it makes me feel when I'm there. Now maybe you get why I am always posting from The Pour Choice and North Fork!  

Holiday Traditions 

Another big one for me, Holiday traditions. All of them! I love Mothers Day at the winery with all our family. Thanksgiving has always been huge in our family, and I'm looking forward to all being together at my sister's house this year. Christmas we go overboard with The Polar Express, cookie decorating, advent calendar, looking at lights! All the things. And now with Halloween we have so much fun too. I'm so excited for both our pumpkin carving and Halloween parade coming up at the end of the month. I hope my boys grow up with the best memories of these traditions each holiday. And I look forward to making even more new traditions along the way. 

Time with friends 

I am lucky to have so many close friends nearby. In this stage of motherhood, it is so nice to have friends to talk to about all the highs and lows. As well as friends to escape with for a night out to dinner or a weekend away wine tasting. I love that I have been able to stay so close with so many amazing women I've know all the way back to childhood in some cases. And as the kids grow and have been in school, we're meeting other parents that have become friends too. I'm so grateful for the support, laughter, and companionship that my friendships offer. 


Spending time in the mountains always brings me peace. We don't go as often as I'd like, but it's always so nice when we do. Perhaps it's something we should prioritize more, going up to Truckee for a hike on the weekend or spending a weekend away in Tahoe. Our annual trip to Tuolumne is a favorite weekend of the year. And Andrew and I want to get an annual Yosemite Valley weekend back on the calendar as well. I noticed since my parents moved, I am missing the pine trees and mountains even more. I used to get a little fix by going up to their house. Nothing else quite feels like home than the pine trees and mountain air. 


As I mentioned the other day, I also love the ocean. It is so calming and peaceful watching the waves roll in and out. I especially find the ocean calming on the California coast. While I love a tropical vacation to Hawaii any day, the slightly foggy and cool ocean air is so rdejuvinative. Our trip to Bodega in the early summer reminded me that it's so close, and we really should go more often! 

Sitting on a deck with crisp mountain air, wine or coffee, and a book. 

This one is very specific. As I was sitting here thinking of what my 10 things would be, I was visualizing things and places that made me feel happy. I think it started with visualizing my childhood home on the back deck. But it could be anwhere in the mountains or in the trees with a deck and nice view. I imagine sitting there with a blanket in the crisp fall air with either a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, depending on the time of day. It's quiet besides the sounds of the breeze and the birds chirping, and I can close my eyes and just enjoy the moment. Maybe even take a few minutes to read my book. Doesn't that sounds lovely?


This one is sort of funny, but when I was thinking about things that bring me joy, I love reminiscing. I love talking about "the old days" and sharing fond memories with friends and family. Or thinking about past trips, or times in our lives. That feeling of nostalgia it brings, I just love it!  

What are some things that make you happy? 

See you back here tomorrow, Day 11 already! 

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