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A Quote

Today's prompt for Blog Every Day in October was to share a quote. The first one that came to mind has been a favorite for many years. 

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard

I've always loved this quote and it's something I remind myself often, especially now. Sometimes it's easy to feel like I'm too old, or it's too late to change careers, etc. But it's never to late to pursue our happiness and living our dreams. If we start right now, and do something little each day, it can lead to a big impact in our lives. 

I feel like I'm really living this since I was laid off. I'm trying to spend the time each day, little by little, and do things that will lead to larger changes down the line. If nothing changes, nothing changes. But we can start now, and create an entirely new ending to our journey. It's never too late! 

Do you have a favorite quote? I'd love if you shared in the comments. 

See you tomorrow for Day 7! 

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