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Before The Year Ends...

Today's prompt is what do you want to achieve before the year ends. I love this one and have been giving it a lot of thought since I have so much more time now that I'm not working. I also listened to this podcast episode from Mel Robbins back in September that I loved. I actually listened to it twice because I found it inspiring. It's called How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (In 4 Months) and talks about how September is great time to start building new habits, and create resolutions similar to how we do at the start of a new year. It talks about the research that shows how the fall with back to school can actually be a better time to make these changes, and that we typically have more success sticking to them long term. Versus when we do it in January.

I can't believe already a month has passed since I was laid off. When I first starting thinking about these prompts, it seemed like I had so much time. And now here we are, halfway through October and only a little over two months left in the year. There is much I'd like to accomplish, but I want to set realistic expectations for myself as well. While it is so nice to have extra time, I do find it is hard not to put a lot of pressure on myself to do all the things, and instead I'd like to think about my goals for wrapping up 2024 in a realistic way.

Home - I want to spend this time to finish decorating our home so it feels like I reflection of us. I actually have a lot of things already, so I won't need to buy much. A few things left to hang in the boys rooms, I still need to finish the final touches in my office, new prints for the gallery walls, and another gallery wall for family photos I want to hang. All the frames have been collecting dust in the office closet. I'd also like to make the toys downstairs a little tidier, perhaps get rid of the train table since they don't use it as much. And move some of the trucks and toys up to their bedrooms.  

De-Clutter - This goes with the previous goal, but I want to significantly declutter the house. I've already been working on it, but there is more to do. We have so much stuff it's ridiculous. So much we don't need or use that just makes our house feel messy and overwhelming. I'd like to get things pared way down so that we only have what we use, and everything has a place. 

Family Time - I want to prioritize family time. It's a busy season, but I want to make the most of it. When I was working, I always felt pressure to do chores and errands during evenings and weekends. Now that I am able to do that during the day, I want to focus on quality time together in the evenings and on weekends. I'd also like to implement a no phones rule from 4-7pm at our house, I'm still working on convincing Andrew for that one. But I think it's so important and would make a big impact. I saw something once that said something along the lines of: how many times as a child did you try to get your parents attention or look up for their approval only to find them looking at a screen. Zero. And how many times has that happened for your kids? Eye opening!

Fun Mom - I'd like to say yes more! Do more fun things, play more, projects and crafts and go for a treat. It's a bit easier this time of year with so many fun traditions scheduled, but I'd like to say yes as often as I can! 

Prioritize Health and Good Habits - I really need to prioritize my health. I have totally fallen off the wagon with exercise and healthy eating. It's really snuck up on me with my weight, clothes not fitting, being tired, etc. I know that I need to prioritize being healthy and fit for longevity. And also because it's so important to show the kids that it's important to take care of ourselves. I want them to learn good habits from me, and see me taking care of myself for them so I can live a long life! I have time now to build good habits and fit in time to exercise, meal prep, and make smart choices. I have no excuse, so I want to create the foundation and habits now so I can maintain it once I am working again. 

A Plan for My Dreams - I want to make a plan for continuing with my blog and social media that can hopefully be monetized. If I'm able to work on this as a "side hustle" now, and when I am back to work. Then eventually I'd love to make it into something I can do full time. I need a business plan of sorts, start using Like To Know It and make monetizing a priority. It feels a little crazy to say that out loud, but I think there is a reason I keep being pulled to doing this. It's something I truly enjoy and get fulfillment out of, so I'd like to figure out a way to turn it into my career. 

Is there anything you hope to accomplish in the next few months before the year ends? I highly recommend listening to that Mel Robbins podcast if it's something that seems interesting to you. 

See you back here tomorrow for Day 19! 

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