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Favorite Place to Write

Today's prompt was, "What is your favorite place to write?" This one is interesting because I always just write at my desk. For the most part I've been working on these posts late in the evenings, after the boys are all asleep and the lunches are packed for the next day. But really, that wouldn't be my ideal writing situation. Which of course got me thinking, what would my ideal writing location and setting be? 

Perhaps if I am able to nail down my ideal writing setting, I would be more consistent with the blog? I'm pretty proud though, I am almost half way through this challenge already! And it's really helping me get back in to a routine.

I think my ideal writing situation could be a few different scenarios. You won't be surprised to hear the first one. Going to a coffee shop is fun because there are less distractions (i.e. - laundry, dishes, etc.) However, I do love to people watch. But I think if I had a topic in mind, and was able to just let the words flow, that would be an easy and enjoyable experience without being too distracting. 

The other thing I'm considering is going to the library. We live so close, and when I was in college I would go to the library and found it to be the perfect place for productivity. Just a change of pace where I could go to focus and get a lot written without distractions.  

Although, I think the purpose of this prompt was to dream a little. What would my ideal setting be? What comes to mind is a quiet, cozy house on the coast. Not a tropical beach, but a foggy, drizzly northern California coastal home. Large glass windows overlooking the view. Obviously a warm, cozy beverage by my side to keep me energized.  I can see why writers lock themselves away in inspiring places to get work done. 

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