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If Fall Was A Person...

Today's prompt was to describe fall as if is was a person. I saw this when I was coming up with the list of prompts, and as my favorite season it felt like something fun to write about. Something a bit more creative and outside the norm of what I usually write. Then I saw a similar post on Instagram that I loved, it had a similar theme, describing the month of October as a friend. My first thought was exactly how I would want someone to describe me. I wanted to capture that same essence in today's post. So here is my attempt to capture fall, if it were a person. 

As soon as you arrive, it feels like home. You walk in the door greeted with a warm hug and a bright smile. There is a faint smell of cinnamon spice, perhaps she baked a pie? You follow her soft strawberry blond waves towards the kitchen, and wonder how does she look so adorable in an apron? As you enter the kitchen, you find a lovely plate of freshly baked scones the counter. Pumpkin with chai glaze, she says. She offers you a warm cup of tea, and as she prepares the drinks asks how you have been. She always makes you feel seen, safe and understood. How lovely to have a friend that makes you feel so at ease and free to be yourself. You sit by the fire, enjoying scones and warm tea while catching up with each other. Discussing your recent favorite books, and which should you nominate for the next book club read? And where should we meet next month? You marvel how it's already almost time for her seasonal dinner party. A tradition everyone loves. She always makes everything so festive, with a sense of nostalgia that makes her gatherings so special. Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier. As the afternoon passes as it's time to go, she'll walk you to the door and be sure you know that you're welcome anytime! And you'll feel so grateful as you go, because how lovely it is to have a friend like fall, who makes you feel like home. 

I hope I captured the essence of how fall makes me feel. And hopefully it was fun for you to read. See you tomorrow for Day 15!

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