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Moment of Our Day

The prompt for today was "Share A Moment of Your Day" which I intended to be fun fall outing of sorts. Our plan was to go get some pumpkins, marigolds and mums for the front porch, but we didn't make it.  We did have a nice day, but in an effort to keep it real, it was a rough day with the kids. 

Jack & Charlie are starting to skip naps at school, and with school and sports and late nights for Graham, by Friday the boys are kind of a mess. We've implemented pizza and a movie as our Friday tradition, but even with a good nights sleep they woke up this morning with fists and fighting words. We decided it was best not to attempt a rushed outing since we had somewhere to be at 11am. 

We actually considered cancelling our play date, but also thought it might be the perfect change of pace for the three of them. And it was! We went over to our friends house for the kids to play and swim because even though it's October, it was still 100*. We had a great time. The kids all play so well together and the parents have become friends, too. Skipping nap might not have been the best idea, but when we got home Jack still decided to take a quick nap, Graham listened to some stories, and Charlie played independently. We ordered dinner and they boys watched the rest of the movie from last night, before heading to bed early. 

I did manage to take a few cute pictures at our friends today! I'm so glad we got out of the house and managed enjoy the day even if it got off to a rocky start! Our plan tomorrow is to get outside right away, because somehow that always seems to start us off on the right foot. 

See you tomorrow for Day 6!

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