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Ocean vs. Mountains

Today's prompt for my Blog Every Day in October Challenge is "Ocean or Mountains and Why." If you know me, I'm sure it's probably easy to guess, but I thought this was a fun question to consider. If I really had to choose, it would have to be the mountains. Although when I really thought about this, the choice wasn't as obvious and I assumed when I wrote the prompt.

I grew up spending so much time camping and hiking with my parents, that the mountains bring me a sense of home. It feels so peaceful hiking in the mountains, appreciating the trees, wildflowers and sounds of the birds or the breeze. I think because I have so many wonderful memories in the mountains, I feel calm and peaceful when I'm there. The mountains bring a sense of nostalgia, and remind me of various memories of my childhood and family, and all the memories Andrew and I have made together, especially in Tuolumne and Tahoe. 

And although I'd choose mountains if I had to, I love the ocean too. Sitting on the beach, listening to the waves, is cathartic. Instantly a sense of calm washes over me. I love picking up shells on the beach with Graham, walking with my toes in the sand and feeling the waves come splash against my feet. Maybe Andrew's love for the ocean has started to rub off on me, because as I sat down to write this, I wavered a bit on which to choose. And this got me thinking, why can't we love both? And the best part is, we can. 

Both the ocean and the mountains bring me a sense of calm, make me feel rejuvenated, and inspired. I love that most times, in the mountains or at the beach, we seem to be with friends or family. Less connected to responsibilities and technology, which it allows us to take a moment to appreciate nature. To take in all the senses. The way the sand feels on our bare feet, the cold water of the river after taking off your hiking boots, the waves crashing on the shore, mountain chickadees singing in the trees. And now, at both places I have cherished memories of the boys running along and exploring. 

Which is your favorite, mountains or the ocean?

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