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On Happiness

Today's prompt for the Blog Every Day in October Challenge is "What Does Happiness Mean to You." 

I've been thinking a lot about today's prompt recently because of a book I just read, and am actually listening to for a second time now. The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rueben. I highly recommend this book. I was listening to an Oprah podcast where Gretchen was the guest, and when it ended I immediately downloaded her book. I think it's perfect as an audiobook, she narrates it herself and I have gained so much from it. Although it really makes you think and evaluate your own life, it's not at all boring and you get a lot of her own personal story as she shares her own one year long happiness project. 

These past few weeks since I have been laid off, happiness has been top of mind. While part of that is likely because I have been reading this book, the other part is noticing how I've been feeling. I didn't love my job, but it was fine. It was a good job that felt like the "right" path by society's standards, and it worked well for our family. But being laid off and thrown into this new normal, I have been surprised to notice just how much happier I have felt. It's made me think so much about how we spend our time, and how that affects our overall happiness. 

It's become my mission to delve into this concept even further, and possibly do my own "happiness project" like Gretchen. Not necessarily dedicate a whole year to it, but to see how I can use similar tools and experiment the way she did in the book. 

One thing I'd like to start doing is a journal each night, where I just share one thing about the boys. Silly little things I love and notice, but I know I won't remember in 10 years, or even 10 days! She did a similar concept of one sentence per day, but about anything. For me I think this will help me stop to appreciate the small moments, but even more keep a record of them. I know this time with the boys so little will pass so quickly, and I want to bottle up what I can. 

I also love the idea of her commandments. Especially, "be Gretchen" in everything she does. So often I make decisions based on what I should do or what I think other people want me to do, and instead I need to always focus on "being Theresa." Such a simple idea, but would really make a huge difference in overall happiness. 

Currently a lot of thoughts on my own happiness are centered around career/work and motherhood. Two of the most important pieces of my current life. It's such a pivotal time for me with career. While status quo says the right thing to do is get another corporate job like I had, it doesn't feel right in my gut. I don't want another job that looks good on paper but essentially sucks the life out of me. Perhaps a new role or company would feel exciting and challenge me, yes. But, it seems like that is just me making an excuse for doing what I'm "supposed" to. Trying to talk myself into it. The joy I have felt in the past few weeks making content and trying to focus on creating something here, has brought me so much joy. I feel like me again. I love being creative, making videos and working on projects around the house. I feel good about how I am spending my time. I can also see a clear change in how I have been showing up as a mother since I've been off work. I am so much more patient, much more understanding and in less of a hurry. I'm able to spend more time with the kids just enjoying them. Take time to bake, do crafts, pick up Graham early for homework time together just us two. It's been really lovely. All the household chores no longer feel like such a burden. No I don't love laundry, but I am not resentful or bitter about it now. I just feel so much more at ease and content throughout my days. 

I know it's not forever, but it really has gotten me thinking. If I have seen this big of an impact in a few short weeks. If nothing else, I am very aware at how my work life impacts my overall happiness. It's something I need to be very aware of as I move forward with next steps in my career. 

I was a bit all over the place with this post, but I have so many more thoughts I'd like to take more time to organize and continue with. I really do recommend this book, I think there is something to learn for all of us. 

What do you think about a Happiness Project? Is that something you'd ever consider?

See you back here tomorrow for Day 9!

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