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Recent Reads

I planned for the prompt to be about my recent reads and favorite books today, because October 4th is one of my best friends birthdays and she loves reading! So, today's post is in honor of her! Happy Birthday, Bea!

I've always been a reader, but there have definitely been periods when I read more than others. For this past year, I have been reading a ton. I usually read fiction on my kindle before bed, and have at least one non-fiction audiobook going at a time. If I have a long drive ahead, or actually now that I am not working and can listen when doing other projects, I'll probably incorporate more fiction audiobooks as well. 

I need to start updating Goodreads so I can keep track of everything I read. Another project while I'm off, go back and update everything I've read this year. Since I use my Kindle or Audible, it's at least easy to go back and track. 

My girlfriends and I also started a Book Club this past June called, Friends Reading Between the Wines. It has been so fun. I look forward to our meetings, it's become a highlight of the month! We have been trying to meet at a winery or local wine bar each month which is fun. One of my favorite things we do is cast who would play the characters in a movie! We usually each cast one or two characters, and it's so fun to see who people choose! We read a variety of genres, and this month decided it should be a fall theme for October. We might start incorporating themes based on the time of year for a fun twist. To select our next book, we all nominate two titles we want to read. We write them down then put them in a hat and ask the waiter to draw and determine our next read. It's a fun way to select the next book! In October we're reading, All The Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker. A thriller/mystery that will be perfect for spooky season! 

So without further ado, here are a few of my favorite books I've read recently.

The Women, Kristin Hannah - this book is one of my favorite books I've ever read. If you haven't read it, do so immediately! I absolutely loved this story of a nurse during the Vietnam war. Her time during the war as well as after she returned. It moved me. I listened to this on audiobook because I had a long drive, and if you enjoy audiobook I highly recommend listening to this one. 

Sandwich, Catherine Newman - As I mentioned in my Instagram post, I really loved this book. It made me laugh out loud, but also really think about my life as a woman and a mother. All the phases of life and how there is so much beauty in the ordinary. This was a short, easy read. I loved the characters as mother-daughter dynamic especially. Another one I highly recommend! 

The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin - I listened to an Oprah podcast one day that Gretchen Rubin was a guest on. I immediately downloaded her book. It felt like I was supposed to read it, so many little things she said felt like exact timing of when I should be reading. So much so, that I'm already listening to it again. I want to do a few posts on this and perhaps a little happiness project of my own. 

The Paradise Problem, Christina Lauren - This was the second Christina Lauren book I read, and I loved it. I think it may be a favorite. It's your typical beach read, a fun little escape. I loved the characters and although it was perhaps a little predictable, I devoured it. I loved the female lead and the family dynamics were entertaining. Christina Lauren never disappoints for a fun, easy beach read/romance! 

Funny Story, Emily Henry - when a new Emily Henry book comes out I get so excited. I just love her books so much. This one might be one of my favorites, there are three of hers that tie for my favorite! I loved the setting of this book. I could picture it so vividly and it made me want to take a summer vacation to a quaint midwestern lake town. The characters and dialogue were as lovely as you'd expect from Emily Henry, she truly does no wrong. 

See you back here tomorrow for Day 5! 

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