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Start Again

Today's prompt for the challenge was Start Again. I must have had something in mind when I chose it, but today as I sit here I'm trying to think of what I want to write. And as I got to thinking, I realized that this phrase can really be applied to so many areas of my life currently. 

I suppose, after being laid off, I am starting again right now with my career. At least I have the opportunity to. The easy course of action would be to go right back into another Executive Assistant role, but the more challenging and possibly rewarding choice would be to "start again" with a different career path. 

I've also "started again" with regards to this blog. I've been blogging here since 2013, which is wild! But I've been reading blogs all the way back to 2008. I remember talking about them back then, and almost always being met with "what is a blog?" Although now the world seems to have shifted to "influencers" I still love the world of blogging. I love journaling and sharing life with people to form connections. I think it's so amazing you can connect with people around the world just by sharing stories and having similar paths that others can relate to. I've really enjoyed this challenge and how it has made me focus on blogging regularly, and writing again. I have so many ideas and this is helping me practice consistency, which is where I have struggled in the past. I am hoping with this practice, to do a re-launch of the blog and hopefully gain some more followers and build a community here. 

Another thought I had was the desire to "start again" some days in motherhood. Today was a particularly rough day. Jack was home with a little cough and runny nose, and so I decided to just keep Charlie home as well to not bring him back and forth. I regretted that decision immediately. I was trying to still get things accomplished, but Jack didn't feel well and Charlie was a full ball of energy who felt totally fine. The three of us clashed from the start. It was really hard. We finally got outside for a walk when I knew the grocery store and other errands weren't in the cards. And although stroller walks are few and far between now, they actually sat with a snack in the stroller for 45min. Usually we chat a lot and they're "needy" on walks, but I was even able to listen to my book. I told them Mom was "unavailable" and to chat with each other, which for the most part worked. I felt so much better when we got home and the rest of the day went well. But I really wished I could have just hit a "start again" button when we first got off track. 

The last place that this applies, is my need and desire to start again with my health and fitness. In the past year, I've really let my fitness levels go and also been careless with diet. I can not only tell the physical consequences of this in my size and appearance, but also in ways that are a bit of a wake up call. My face is puffy, I am always tired, the way I am carrying my weight all in my middle, and just overall health when thinking about longevity. My mindset going forward is to prioritize a little bit at a time that feels sustainable. And remembering that the focus is my health and longevity. Especially as I enter my 40's next year. I've been listening to a lot of podcasts that talk about brain health as well, and how it is tied to gut health so closely. With memory and aging it makes me nervous and really want to focus on health, even if it's mostly for the lifestyle I want to live 20+ years from now. 

I'm not sure if this was originally what I was thinking when I wrote out the promps last month, but it was fun to think about different ways that this phrase applies to my life right now. And as I discussed back on day 6 of this challenge with my favorite quote, as we go thought life, we can always start again. 

 "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard

See you back here tomorrow for Day 22! 

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