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Stress Antidote

Today was the first day I wanted to skip the challenge, but I wouldn't let myself! Funny enough, I could use some stress antidotes this week. Andrew has a busy work week, so there has been a lot of juggling the kiddos. I'm so thankful for my families help. My parents came down Monday to help with various sports and drop offs/pick ups, then last night after we went to swim lessons we met my sister for a casual dinner out, and tonight my Mom was here again to help with needing to be two places at once. However the night was off the rails with no naps and over tired kids, so we skipped soccer and she just helped me hold down the fort while Andrew worked! Phew, thank goodness for Moms! 

So perhaps tomorrow I should work on adding one or a few of these into my day? Yes, I think that is a good idea! 

- Enjoying a little treat and a cappuccino at a favorite coffee shop like North Fork Chai or The Pour Choice

- Going on a walk and listening to a podcast or audiobook

- Going on a walk with a friend or family member

- Doing something creative/crafty 

- An evening out with my best friends

- Date night

- Sitting down and enjoying a good book with coffee or tea

What do you do to cope when you're feeling stressed? Any good tips I should try next time?  

See you tomorrow for Day 10!

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